Methods of Giving

Ways to Give

There are many ways of giving so that you can meet your needs and can support Conception Abbey and Seminary College. Donors may stretch pledges over a three-year period. Your commitment can be fulfilled through monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual installments.

Gifts made by cash or check are the most common. Checks should be made payable to Conception Abbey. However, while the needs of the capital campaign are urgent, we will gratefully accept gifts in various forms, including the following:

Gifts of Securities - Stocks, Bonds and Mutal Funds

Charitable gifts of stocks, bonds or mutual funds that have been held for at least one year and have appreciated offer special tax advantages. You will receive a tax deduction for the full market value of the gift, but you will not have to pay capital gains tax on the appreciated amount. If you sell depreciated stock and contribute the proceeds, you will receive both a tax deduction for the charitable gift and a deduction for the capital loss, creating a win-win situation for both you and Conception.

Planned Gifts

Planned giving is the process of carefully selecting the best method and asset for making a charitable gift. A deferred gift through an estate plan or life-income gift offers you the ability to support Conception Abbey and Seminary College but retain the income from those assets during your lifetime. Such a gift can enable you to take full advantage of the tax laws to accomplish your financial and charitable goals. Planned gifts can be made through:

  • Bequests by will or living trust 
  • Charitable Lead or Remainder Trusts 
  • Charitable Gift Annuities 
  • Beneficiary benefits from IRAs, pensions, or financial accounts

Life Insurance

Conception Abbey and Seminary College can be named as the primary or contingent beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Life insurance gifts are simple; just ask the insurance company for the appropriate forms to make the Conception Abbey and Seminary College the owner or beneficiary of a policy. Gifts of a policy are tax-deductible, as are future premium payments.

The Conception Development Office or your tax advisor can provide more information about these options.

How to Make a Gift

If you’d like to support the Brothers Living in Unity Campaign you can donate online or to discuss any of the options on this page, please contact:

Mrs. Jenny Huard
Development Director
(660) 944-2827