
Signature Phase

The leadership at Conception Abbey and Seminary College are happy to share another milestone in the Brothers Living in Unity campaign. They have only $600,000 left to raise in order to sign off on this campaign!

“Thanks to the generous prayers and support we have received from our friends and donors, we are in the home stretch of this project,” said Very Rev. Victor Schinstock, OSB, president-rector of Conception Seminary College.

Read the most recent campaign update. (August 11, 2022)

As we wrap up the final stages of our Brothers Living in Unity campaign, we narrow our focus to finishing items for Good Shepherd Hall, our new seminary residence building, including:

  • emergency generator
  • retaining wall
  • stained glass windows for the chapels

These new additions will allow us to better fulfill our mission of priestly formation. Completing this project properly enables us to house all seminarians under one roof, further strengthening our formation program.

We received such an encouraging response to their campaign outreach that we felt emboldened to increase the initial scope of this project.

Much thought and care have been given to the layout and design of Good Shepherd Hall. Spaces were etched into the layout to allow the seminarians to gather in common spaces, in the chapel, on each floor, and even while doing their laundry.

This building is no ordinary dorm, but a true house of formation where roommates and classmates become friends and eventually brothers, growing together as men of communion preparing to be shepherds of the Catholic Church. The care given to the construction of this new building is a sign of our commitment to the Church and her future priests.


Read the full press release here.